Flat tendon forms about 7 cm above elbow joint, courses anteroposteriorly and mediolaterally, twists 90° - anterior flat surface faces laterally, expands and inserts to radial tuberosity and aponeurosis into medial upper ulna
Best seen on MRI in FABS (Flexion ABduction forearm Supination) position, bicipital aponeurosis is best seen on axial views
Complete tear:
Usually acute single event
On imaging, discontinuity with or without retraction, enlarged proximal tendon with abnormal signal.
Partial tear:
Usually minor trauma in preexisting tendon degeneration (impingement or irritation by osteophyte/ spur - seen on MR)
On imaging, increased caliber, abnormal contour, abnormal signal, peritendinous fluid
Chew ML et al. Disorders of the Distal Biceps Brachii Tendon. RadioGraphics 2005;25:1227-1237