Differentiating benign and malignant spinal compression fractures

Low signal on T1, bright on T2 and STIR
Convex bulge of the posterior cortex
Involvement of pedicle
Epidural mass
Paraspinal soft tisssue mass
Marked, inhomogenous enhancement

Band of low signal on T1 adjacent to the endplate
Atleast one area of normal signal within collapsed vertebra
Linear low signal indicative of fracture on non-fat sat T2 sagittal
Low on T1, iso on T2
Partial or complete euql enhancement in relation with adjancent normal vertebra
Fluid signal adjacent to end plate - focal, linear or traingular - on STIR
Retropulsion of posterosuperior aspect into spinal canal - highly specific (100%), sensitivity - 16%
Chronic fracture - normal signal on T1 and T2 with mild enhancement
Intravertebral vacuum cleft - suggestive of AVN - suggests benign

Multiple myeloma - appear like benign on MR
Acute fracture may mimic malignant fractures on MR

Uetani M et al. Malignant and benign compression fractures: differentiation and diagnostic pitfalls on MRI. Clinical Radiology. Volume 59, Issue 2, February 2004, Pages 124-131