Imaging UCL of 1st MCPJ

Capsule, volar plate, UCL, RCL, EPB tendon, adductor pollicis aponeurosis

UCL tear:
Also known as gamekeepers' thumb
Mechanism: forceful abduction
Most common site: distal rupture, and the ligament is retracted proximally

True coronal plane through 1st MCPJ is essential
UCL is retracted
If deep to adductor aponeurosis, its simple rupture (game keepers' thumb)
If superficial to adductor aponeurosis (entrapped by adductor pollicis aponeurosis), its Stener's lesion
Other changes: avulsion fracture, volar subluxation of the joint

Stener's lesion:
Occurs in about 50% of complete UCL tears
Common in skiers

Gr 1: ligament strain/ stretch
Gr 2: incomplete tear
Gr 3: complete rupture +/- Stener's lesion