Journal watch: ACL

ACL reconstruction cannot restore tibial rotation to normal levels
The American Journal of Sports Medicine 35:189-196 (2007)

Chouliaras V et al studied 'Effectiveness of reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament with Quadrupled Hamstrings and Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Autografts' comparing the tibial internal-external Rotation. The kinematic data of tibial internal-external rotation were assessed in 11 patients with patellar tendon graft, 11 with hamstring tendon graft and 11 controls using a 6-camera optoelectronic system when the subjects descended stairs and, immediately after, pivoted on their landing leg. Also, all patients were also assessed clinically and with KT-1000 arthrometer to evaluate anterior tibial translation. Both grafts successfully restored anterior tibial translation, but showed increased tibial rotation when compared to controls, and no differences between the 2 reconstructed groups.
The 2 most frequently used autografts for ACL reconstruction cannot restore tibial rotation to normal levels.