Glenohumeral instability - abbreviations

There are many abbreviations and acronyms in the glenohumeral joint instability and the full forms are as given:

Anatomical structures:
SGHL: Superior GlenoHumeral Ligament
MGHL: Middle GlenoHumeral Ligament
IGHL: Inferior GlenoHumeral Ligament

SLAP: Superior Labral Antero Posterior injuries. Classified into many subtypes!!
GLAD: GlenoLabral Articular Disruption
ALPSA: Anterior Ligamentous Periosteal Sleeve Avulsion
HAGL: Humeral Avulsion of Glenohumeral Ligament (anterior band of IGHL)
PHAGL:Posterior Humeral Avulsion of Glenohumeral Ligament
GLOM: Glenoid Labrum Ovoid Mass
PSGI: PostroSuperior Glenoid Impingement
GEL: Groove Entrance Lesion

Named lesions:
Hill Sach's lesion: Posterosuperior notch defect in the humeral head
Bankart's lesion: Avulsion of anteroinferior glenoid labrum
Perthe's lesion: Avulsion of anteroinferior labrum with intact periosteum